xAPI in a nutshell – Infographic

Xapi in a nutshell by venngage 705x1024

Recently I’ve been completing the edX course on a Micro Masters in Instructional Design and Technology As I work through the modules I’ll start sharing some of the resources I’ve developed. I’ve focused a lot on xAPI and introducing users to what it can do. Below are two infographics developed titled xAPI in a Nutshell. […]

Connecting Marzipano to xAPI – Part One

Having written a couple of articles on Marzipano that continue to gain attention in Google searches including Marzipano 360 how to change hotspot properties and styles, Marking up 360 images making WHS more engaging and How to use 360 images with Marzipano and Insta360 I wanted to take things to the next level in eLearning and find out what it […]

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