2022 has seen a lot of growth in my learning and achievements and some awards. I have built a team around the globe to deliver training on DCFC Chargers and implemented a Global Certification Program for all Technicians to be part of a program to service and maintain DC Chargers.
I also presented at the Australian Institute of Training and Development National Confrence on how to use xAPI and geoLocation. This has been something I’d been trying for a few years tp present at, so was pretty chuffed to present.

This year also saw a growth in the organisation I work for, which meant the Global Induction Course, Charging Forward that I developed was run through its paces. With some minor xAPI issues (LRS went down), all in all it served its purpose and set new employees on the right path at Tritium.
The product was also recognised with achieving a Finalist in the Australian Institute of Training and Development Excellence Awards Best Onboarding / Induction program. This was a great achievement for the team. Whilst I couldn’t attend as it was in Melbourne and I was in Amsterdam, I did attend virtually.

Not to be out done, we then received a Diamond Award for Best eLearning Project – Hybrid Pre-Induction / Onboarding. This was a fantastic surprise and credit to all the team that bought my vision to life.