The final part of the Edx course on MicroMasters Instructional Design and Technology was to develop a course. If you’ve been following, you would’ve seen a few articles on Experience API (xAPI). My final capstone project was to develop a course that could be run over a 2-3 week period.

In true sharing fashion, the course is now available for anyone to do. A couple of things to keep in mind before you do the course.

Whilst there are no prerequisites for this course, it would be advantageous if you had a basic knowledge of HTML5 and JavaScript. You may find some of the parts a bit technical if you don’t. There are some links in the course to some HTML5 resources if you need a reminder on anything.

You are required to complete each section before moving to the next section

Please understand that this course is not my primary role, the final assessment will be graded as soon as possible from submission 🙂

You’ll need access to Articulate or another eLearning tool to build a simple eLearning course.

You can use any Learning Record Store you like (you’ll learn what this is) but the course uses YetAnalytics. Make sure that you’re proxy (if you’re using one) is not blocking the site. You’ll need to register at when the time comes.

You’ll need notepad or other simple text editor as you will be editing and updating code. A great cross platform editing tools is Adobe Brackets. It’s free and can be downloaded from

There is audio and video during the course, best to use headphones if you have them, especially in an open office (plus my voice is not that good ;))

With all of that out of the way, head on over to and select the Introduction to Experience API course. You’ll need to register to gain access.

Hope you enjoy it!

Feedback is always welcome, but please don’t be too critical of anything in the course, it’s there to help you understand how awesome xAPI is 🙂

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