Julian-Davis_square_1200 About

xapi.com.au is managed and run by Julian Davis, also known as The Digital Learning Guy and is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Julian is an experienced Digital Learning Solutions Architect, Presenter, Facilitator, and Award-Winning Author, bringing over two decades of expertise in web and digital technologies to solve organizational challenges in digital learning (eLearning), this is where xAPI comes into play.

He has experience in implementing xAPI into both large and small organisations to unlock the digital body langauge of learners. Julian has also presented at esteemed conferences worldwide on xAPI and other Digital Learning Technologies.

Recognized as an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AFAITD) in 2018 and 2024 as a Fellow with the Institute For Learning and Performance (ILP) Asia Pacific for my contributions to the field of digital learning.

Julian is actively involved in the global xAPI Community and the visionary behind Remote Reviewer.

© The Digital Learning Guy | xapi.com.au
ABN 364 4183 4283